Saturday, November 13, 2010

Amaryllis - tips and hints from Deb

(I don't know the name of this amaryllis, but it finally bloomed for me last April!)

If you'd like great information
about starting an amaryllis bulb,

head over to visit Deb's blog entitled Garden Author!

This is the link to her most recent post about amaryllis bulbs.

I've picked up a few hints myself!

(Definitely not a "shady" topic.)


  1. Shady thanks for the link will be checking it out.

  2. Enjoy! You will learn a lot from Deb. :-)

  3. Thank you for the link, Shady!

    Your amaryllis is gorgeous. I think part of the charm of re-blooming these bulbs is the serendipity of them proceeding to reward us in their own time... not on some date certain. Nature has her own time table, utterly disregarding ours, even indoors. (I think, perchance, I feel a poem looming on the horizon for "Waltzes with Words.")

    I love that sidebar helleborus photo, as well as your viburnum header... looks like fall over here!

    Well, on to the next newsletter... those Friday deadlines seem to roll around about once a week!


  4. Hi Deb!! So glad to hear from you... let me know if a poem waltzes its way onto your Words site! :-)


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