Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Do I want to begin 2013 still receiving HUGE numbers of Spam Comments??

Are you receiving large amounts of spam comments?  I'm using Comment Moderation, meaning all the comments are placed "in limbo" until I either delete or allow them to be posted.

Are you experiencing this same problem?  I wonder what you're doing to cope?

The only thing I can think of is to change my web address... what do you think?

Now THIS is a "shady" subject! 



  1. A lot of spam is automated. Changing your address really won't help, you'll just lose your actual readers. When you're in comment moderation, be sure to check mark the spam comments and then hit the spam button. Not just the delete button. It flags the spam messages and helps Blogger 'catch' the spammers. There is a spam category under comments. You probably have more in there than you've even seen. Good luck!

    Happy New Year!

  2. I was going to give the same advice as GOSS. I use WP, but it is a similar process. Just make sure to always mark them as spam. Being automated, many come from the same source. Do not change your URL. You will lose all your readers and any gain you have made in search engines.

  3. As Gardener and Gardenwalk have already mentioned, you don't want to change your URL, as it makes it harder for readers to find you,and the spammer bots, which are more efficient, will just catch up again.

    I blog using WordPress software, and am fortunate as it has an excellent antispam plugin, Akismet. Plus I use a second plugin as well. It sounds like Blogger has the ability to mark spam, so the program learns to better control it too. Good luck getting it under control, as it is so annoying.

    Have a wonderful gardening year in 2013, and all the best.

  4. You aren't alone! I've been getting them on a comment form. Just have to moderate. It's always bad this time of year for some reason.

  5. There have been more lately that is for sure. My solution to stuff like this was always to ask my students who knew a lot more than I did. Now that I'm retired though.... it's hopeless.

  6. I've eliminated almost all spam comments by not allowing anonymous commenters. You can change this on your settings page in blogger. Good luck!

  7. I agree with the other commenters not to change your web address. I use comment moderation only on posts older than a week. I've gotten so much spam the last few months, too, but the spammers seem to comment only on old posts, so I can easily delete them. I keep wondering what they think they're going to accomplish--do they really think I'm going to visit a site that leaves such gibberish in a comment??

  8. Forgot to wish you a belated Happy New Year! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas, Shady.

  9. I'm using the chapcha word verification. Otherwise I'm inundated with spam. Happy 2013 to you!

  10. Shady I so agree these spam generators are so annoying.Can't let them win. Please don't change...

  11. I get a lot of spam comments, but many of them are caught by Blogger, and even though I get them in my email, they don't show up on my blog. I do have to check from time to time, to delete those that get through. I see a lot when I subscribe to follow up comments.

    I moderate posts more than 2 weeks old.


Thank you for visiting today. I don't mean to make it hard for you to leave a message, but temporarily I am going to enable word verification. Too many spam messages to deal with lately. Thanks for your patience! SG