Monday, June 30, 2014

The Daylilies Are Coming! The Daylilies Are Coming!

(An apology to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow...)
Listen my children and you shall hear, 
of the mid-day bloom of daylilies dear!
'Twas the 30th of June, in late afternoon,
taking my photos - none too soon...

Hemerocallis blossoms have just begun to dazzle and brighten... and a few are now blossoming.  Future blossoms will be featured in another post.

Rosey Returns

My Melinda

 Unnamed - Apricot daylily from Dad and Mom

 Stella Supreme

Unnamed - double peach

 unnamed yellow/gold from Dad and Mom

“A garden should make you feel you've entered privileged space -- a place not just set apart but reverberant -- and it seems to me that, to achieve this, the gardener must put some kind of twist on the existing landscape, turn its prose into something nearer poetry.”
Michael Pollan, Second Nature: A Gardener's Education 

 unnamed yellow daylily - Sunny Corner Bed - front yard,
surrounded by Veronica Speedwell

“Gardening is akin to writing stories. No experience could have taught me more about grief or flowers, about achieving survival by going, your fingers in the ground, the limit of physical exhaustion.” ― Eudora Welty

Purple d'Oro
backyard bed next to house

larger double daylily in center pond garden - backyard.  Lovely!

next to driveway and front of house... a little "flower collage"  :-)

“It didn’t occur to me that… that gardening, like music, could demand practice, patience, a willingness to make mistakes.”
― Amy Stewert 
You can perhaps tell I haven't been home in a few days... and that I truly need to be deadheading tomorrow morning (something to which I look forward!!!).  That being said, the mosquitoes are quite prevalent and hardy this year... so I will be "suiting up!"
Happy end-of-June gardening!  SG

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Blue Mouse Ears

After surviving the past two summers' severe drought conditions, 
and my huge concern that my watering was Not Enough to carry all the plants
through to survival,
this little Blue Mouse Ears made it!

This month of June 2014 has been extra-rainy!

And 'most everything is enjoying the extra precipitation.

(Hopefully the ground moisture level eventually rises!)

I hope YOUR season is going well, and that you are able to be enjoying your gardens!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Cicadas Arrived a Couple of Weeks Ago!

What is the purpose of a Cicada?  The nymphs crawl from holes in the ground, obviously where they have over-wintered.  Shedding its skin, the Cicada leaves its outgrown shell hanging...

The adult emerges...


They begin singing in the early morning hours... and chorus all day.
(Calling a mate?)

I've not done a bit of reading about them...
What do YOU know??


Sunday, June 1, 2014

June Is Bustin' Out All Oh-Oh-ver!

Happy June!!

 A peak at part of the front gardens...

Background Iris:  Iris Aurovariegata - Variegated Sweet Iris and light yellow, species unknown. Heuchera - coral bells, blooming is 'Ruby Bells' and to the right is Heuchera 'Dolche Key Lime Pie'
Foreground:  Bearded Iris, species unknown

Bearded Iris, species unknown with Heuchera 'Dolche Key Lime Pie' at foreground right and Campanula glomerata 'Supurba' (Clustered Bellflower -ready to bloom soon) at far right.

Geum triflorum - Prairie Smoke - a great grandchild of a true prairie plant!

 Sunny Corner Bed:  Siberian Iris 'Ruffled Velvet' in foreground, pink dianthus at left behind hanging planter (species unknown), Salvia 'May Night' in background and yellow bearded iris (species unknown) behind.

Dianthus 'Firewatch' - located in front bed

Clematis - 'Nellie Moser' - located in raised garden beds

Spiderwort - thanks to the birds! - located in the front garden bed

Again!  Happy June 1st!  Enjoy this month... there will be many changes!!  :-)