Tuesday, February 21, 2017

February Gardenbloggers' Bloom Day!

We have something blooming outdoors!

It is still "too early!"  It is still Winter-time in Iowa.
However, we have been experiencing and enjoying unseasonably warm and wonderful weather for this time of year!

And look!
Early Heirloom crocus!!

And Just for fun... check out a few goldfinches in a nearby bush!

Have a Happy Day!  I am!!

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Frankly, Friends. It's Fine, Fair Weather for the Finite Future! ABC Wednesday

Click on the t-shirt link below to peruse other posts!

Blue skies, warm temps and FUN!

However, I must admit... it is still Winter (season) in Iowa... and I have NOT, as yet, been able to create my annual snowman!!

Mr. Shady and I were both enjoying a Fantastic day (separately) working on outdoor projects!  He, with a group of affable, willing friends, enjoyed their prairie burn.  Me?  I scrubbed part of a wooden fence, preparing it for painting when it IS REALLY Spring and adding a few more flagstones to a backyard walkway.

Best wishes to you during these upcoming days,