Sunday, February 5, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

Brings Five New Words!

Strike a Pose
Campanula glomerata 'Supurba' - Clustered Bellflower
Upward facing violet ‘bells’ on 1-2’ plants are clustered at the top of upright stems.  They need only a moderately rich, well-drained soil and full sun or partial shade  A vigorous grower, the stunning richly colored violet flowers are on stiff stems. Blooms heavily in late spring through early summer. Cutting back foliage by half to 2/3rds after flowering will keep the mound low and compact if foliage declines. Can be divided every 3-4 years in spring or autumn.

These Eastland shoes lasted from 1982 to 2010.  Not bad!
They worked very well as nice, leather gardening shoes!

Chandeliers inside State Senate Chamber of the Iowa State Capital building.


Traditional Ukranian egg decorating for Easter.

Color Me Green
 Allium 'Hair'
Not scary - but it LOOKS like it!  lol

All photos are the property of 
Join Scavenger Hunt Sunday by clicking the title at left or the right sidebar. 
Happy Day!


  1. What a grand chandelier!! Really pretty. Love the flowers too!

  2. A really great set of photos!
    Lea's Menagerie

  3. Those shoes look like they served you well. Leather is always the best choice for long-lasting shoes.
    The allium has some funky hair!

  4. Great set- really love that beautiful chandelier.

  5. Great interpretations!! What a cool hobby... never heard of it. Love that allium hair!!

  6. Great set of pictures. Love the chandelier picture...super shiny.

  7. Thank you, all.

    Rosey, where does one go to get a GOOD pair of nice, heavy-duty leather shoes, such as those loafers, (made in the USA) that would serve a person well?

  8. Love those wonder you have such a beautiful garden. Wonderful series!!

  9. Hi Deanna! Love your comment! (and I miss those shoes!) ;-)

  10. Love the photos! The Ukranian egg making is so cool... I want to do that! :)

  11. Love the shoes - had some Naturalizers that stuck it out until there wasn't a smidgen of tread and became a hazard - otherwise, I'd still be wearing them. I hope you show more of your eggs - I used to decorate eggs as a hobby - but nothing like pysanky.

  12. A great collection of photos Shady...and I'm seriously intrigued by the eggs. I've never heard of Pysanky before - will you do a tuorial on it at some point please?! :)

  13. I like the shot of those shoes. They are definitely warn in, but still cute!

  14. oh my ~ you did get your money out of those shoes! I love the Ukranian Easter egg decorating too. I'd love to try that sometime. Hope you've been doing well. I've been terrible at blog hopping as I'm sure you've noticed!

  15. For each of you desiring more information on Pysanky, check out a post I did last April on another blog:

    There's a wealth of information out there on the subject. :-)

    I'm glad you each could visit, and especially, leave a note!

    Kathleen, You can tell I've not been good about visiting, either.. :-)

  16. Catching up on your blog posts since it is so cool in Florida today.... missed a lot .....


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