Sunday, April 24, 2022

Spring is Springing, Birds are Singing, and New Plants are Starting to Grow!

I apologize for taking such a long time to create a post on my garden blog.  A year ago, on my early June birthday, my son gave me four native plants for my gardens (!).  

Verbena hastata, which has yet to peek out of the soil.

Plantain Sedge (Carex Plantagenea)


Cup plant
Springtime can be so exciting!
So then, this is what else I have spotted!

May Apples - These natives are plentiful here.. and we’re here when we moved in!
(As are white Dog-toothed violets, Spring beauties, Grape hyacinths, Siberian squill and quite a number of others.)

Trillium - this colony is spreading to “here and there!”

Blood root - I received my first plant from my Aunt Millie a number of years ago.

Dutchman’s breeches - the colony is slowly spreading!

And one more Trillium, a photo of which you might like to know an interesting story!
In fact, you could probably find previously published stories about this particular plant, if you search in my blogging history!  ðŸ™ƒ
Meet our friend, the renegade trillium!  When it was first planted in this location, it had 5 leaves!  The following year, it had four and the next year it had three leaves.  During the fourth spring, it again had four leaves.  Ever since, it has grown obediently, with the expected number of three leaves.  Here we are, April 2022, with four leaves and a baby!  Gotta love it!

I can only hope to publish a post again before long.  Thank you for visiting!
Yours truly,

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

The Five "Ws" and the One "H"

What: A longtime interruption in blogging.  

When: It began when a certain allure took hold of this blogger.  

Who: Me.  

Why:  It was easy.  

Where: Social Media format.  

How: By the attraction of easy connections.

But, I have returned to the blog.  Gladly.  I probably won't post more than once-a-month, but it will offer me a more creative outlet.  If you are still visiting my blog, I hope you enjoy my return.

Winter gardening?  Well, not so much.  But I have always considered Birds to be the Winter Flowers!

Wait a Minute!
Where did these fellows come from?
(I ask myself that every day! ha!)

Not so shady here these days... but we have very cold and snowy weather this Winter!

Shady G

Monday, July 13, 2020

July 13, 2020 Who Was That Masked Man?

I was sitting in the dining room, looking out the window when a man strode into my backyard, as though he entertained a strong purpose.  I know he was a “good guy,” ‘cuz he wore a white hat atop his head, leading a white horse.  He reached into his saddlebag, pulled out something shiny.    Before you could say “Pinnochio,” he was kneeling in my small developing “prairie.”

I could only surmise he’d somehow taken a wrong turn, ending up here... but there he was, with a small trowel in hand.  I watched furtively, from behind my window.  He appeared to be digging a hole.

I scratched my head in wonder as I watched him work so diligently.  Perhaps he didn’t know beforehand, but S.E. Iowa has plenty of yellow clay soil, not deep under the surface.  His back was turned toward the house, so it was difficult to see his purpose. At the same time, I didn’t want him to know he was being watched.

It was then that another rider appeared beside him.  His manner of dress was completely different; hatless with long dark braids and wearing a leather shirt and pants.  He handed something indiscernibly small to the kneeling man.  The man took the item, moving his arms as though he were patting something on the ground.

Then he stood, looking down at the ground for a moment, and replaced his trowel in his saddle bag.
They communicated briefly, I could hear only the sound of their voices.  With a nod and wave toward my window, I heard, as plain as day, “Hi, Ho, Silver!”  And away they both galloped!

When I was sure they were gone, I quickly stepped outside to see what had been done.  “Well, I’ll be...” I muttered.  It was a small hybrid Monarda plant called “Balmy.”  How did THEY know it was exactly what I wanted?

An adventure of tremendous proportion!
Yours truly,
Shady Gardener

Friday, August 9, 2019

How Are We Nearing Mid-August, 2019?

I have taken many photos since the onset of Spring.  The ups- and downsides of the weather posed challenges.   The arrival of Spring weather brought lots of rain.  Days of it.  Not particularly stormy (although there were a few incidents), but plants responded beautifully!

Mid-June 2019

Mid-July 2019 

Mid-August 2019 

All things considered, since the onset of dry weather, the plants continue to look pretty healthy; especially in the shade.  Yes, it is now August.  I am happy that I have a couple of rain barrels of water as stand-by.  And yes, I have watered fairly deeply (most of the gardens) a couple of times.

I am so grateful for this peaceful, LOVELY gardening spot.  The sunniest part of our yard is the front yard.  The different flowering plants continue to change from one to the next and have been so bright and beautiful!  In a different way, the rest of the yard (mostly shady) has been beautiful with the softer, more subtle "greens" and blossoms as well.

I can only say this:

We Thank You, Lord!

We thank you for falling rains,
we thank you for the sunshine.
We thank you for constant change,
and for your Grace sublime.

We're thankful for the beauty through
the times we help you nurture.
We're grateful for the peace we find
that leads us towards the future.

It's gardening where we rest our souls
and seek your gentle guidance.
It's reflection towards your goodness
and where we find your sustenance.

May I never look askance
at times when you have guided.
And may I ever grateful be
for what you have provided.

Blessings to you and yours.
May we each be found helping someone in need.

Most Sincerely,

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Winter Snow (and ice and rain and lightning and thunder)!

It is looking much more like Winter than it has in the past couple of years or so!  I like that!!  I especially enjoy seeing the SNOW piles.  It reminds me of growing up in extreme northern Iowa.

Front - driveway

Backyard trees

Winter weather?  Feed the birds!  They will come!
Tufted Titmouse

Blue Jay and Red Bellied Woodpecker

Northern Flicker

These two photos show birds in my Dad's tree.  Finally getting big enough to support bigger birds!
Can you find 14 goldfinches, 2 blue jays and one house sparrow?

8 goldfinches

"Hey, You!" (Speaking to me? Maybe he doesn't want to be watched at the "waterhole!")

My sister Barb's tree.

Yes!  I am having fun!  (Don't like the ice, though!  It is full glare on our gravel roads!)  Be careful; be safe!


Wednesday, November 14, 2018

ABC Wednesday - S

S is for Snow.

We just received a couple of inches of it this morning.  It has been 32-33 degrees F all day.  I'm not ready for cold weather; nor am I ready for winter.  Bah. Humbug.  (That's all I'm going to say about that for the moment.) 



Sunday, February 4, 2018

ABC Wednesday - E


Click the logo at left to see posts by other people!

The letter for this current week is E!

One of my favorite "silly" poems is (my second grade students used to love it!)


by Laura Elizabeth Richards
Once there was an Elephant,
Who tried to use the telephant—
No! No! I mean an Elephone
Who tried to use the telephone—
(Dear me! I am not certain quite
That even now I’ve got it right.)
Howe’er it was, he got his trunk
Entangled in the telephunk;
The more he tried to get it free,
The louder buzzed the telephee—
(I fear I’d better drop the song
Of Elephop and telephong!)
Because I am not so great at posting these days, please enjoy February, and may you find yourself the recipient of many Valentines and Valentine wishes!  