Have I mentioned the word "Chocolate," yet?
Chocolate flower Berlandiera lyrata

Note: While chocolate
flower is hardy, gardeners in the Midwest, Northeast, or Northwest may
have trouble overwintering this plant if it stays too moist and rots.
- Light: Sun,Part Sun; Zones: 4-10; Plant Type: Perennial; Plant Height: To 2 feet tall;
- Plant Width: To 2 feet wide; Flower Color: Yellow/Gold; Bloom Time: Spring, Summer, Fall;
- Landscape Uses: Containers,Beds & Borders,Slopes; Special Features: Flowers,Fragrant,Drought Tolerant"
My sister, sister-in-law and I each purchased one from Peterson's Greenhouse in Swaledale, IA last year. Here's what mine looked like last Summer...
Chocolate Cosmos Cosmos atrosanguineus

"Growing Requirements for Chocolate Cosmos Plants: The Chocolate Cosmos plant is a tuberous perennial that is hardy in USDA zones 7-10, but with excellent drainage and heavy winter mulching it will often survive the winters in zone 6.
Chocolate Cosmos should be planted in full sun, in rich well draining soil. Apply a good all-purpose fertilizer when new growth appears and again at mid-season. Always remove the spent flowers promptly for continued blooms. If you have doubts about the plants survival, you can dig the tuber just as you would with Dahlias. Once the foliage has died back, carefully dig the clump, cut the stems back to within 2 inchesof the tubers, and store them in slightly moist peat moss in a frost free place.
Plant Propagation: Chocolate Cosmos can be propagated by division of the tubers. To produce a new plant, each tuber must have an eye (the new growth bud) which appears at the point where the tuber connects to the main stalk. Using a sharp clean knife carefully separate tubers. Discard any damaged tubers and any that don't contain an eye. Place the tubers in a bed of sawdust or vermiculite, inside a cardboard
or wooden box. Store them in a dry area where the temperature will
remain at about 40 degrees F.
Check your tubers periodically during the winter for signs of shriveling (moisten the storage medium),
or for mildew treat with a dry fungicide. Replant Chocolate Cosmos tubers 6" deep and 12" apart in the spring."
or for mildew treat with a dry fungicide. Replant Chocolate Cosmos tubers 6" deep and 12" apart in the spring."
While I've never tried this plant, I believe this should be on my "2013 Wish List!" I'd probably try one in a pot and another in the ground.
Rodgersia Rodgersia pinnata 'Chocolate Wings'

USDA Zone: 4-9; Sun exposure: Full Sun or Partial Shade; Soil type: Normal, Sandy, or Clay;
Soil pH: Neutral, Alkaline or Acid; Soil moisture: Moist; Care level: Moderate; Flower color: Deep
Pink; Blooming time: Early to mid-summer; Foliage color: Bronze; Height: 27-35"; Width: 35-39"' Growth rate: Slow. *Rabbit-resistant."From chocolate flower farm.com came this information: "New & exciting Rodgersia with ever changing moods, as its foliage emerges brown and goes through stages of green and bronze to return to chocolate-bronze as the season progresses. Plenty of pale pink flowers deepen gradually to burgundy-red, adding another dimentions to the intrigue. Cultivation: Partial Shade in moist, well-drained, fertile soil.32" High with 30" spread. Hardy to Zone 4."

I never experienced the deep coloration described in the chocolate flower farm article, but my plant was in dappled to shady conditions.
I'd love to try again, if I can work it out!!! Moist is not good enough... it seems, from further reading, it loves to be moist to boggy. I continue to struggle with my ligularia plants... especially during the drought-like conditions we've experienced beginning with last summer!
Lastly, have you tried cocoa bean hulls? They're not so good in shady areas, unless you spread a very thin layer... just so you can have the chocolate aroma! ;-) They're great in sunny spots, as they'll dry out after a rainfall and/or watering and not mold or mildew. They're a rich addition to the soil, as well. They break down fairly quickly. Try it!! You might like it!! lol.
Gardening has not been very rewarding (or beautiful or fun) once summer arrived. I continue to envision very dry soil with deep-down parched roots... I'm doing my best to keep everything limping along, but it's not really enough... and the water bill was high this past month! I did appreciate the two recent rainfalls - 1/10th and 2/10ths of an inch, a few days apart. They filled my 3 rain barrels each time, so that was well loved. :-)
Perhaps I just need a chocolate bar? ;-)