This is a "wordy" post...
It's a rainy day. I'm shivering in the cold downstairs in front of my computer,
in my jammies, with a cup of hot chai,
waiting to do the myriad of things that need to be done
before I leave town, again!
I picked this up Tuesday morning.
Just enough for 3 or 4 wheelbarrow loads.
in my jammies, with a cup of hot chai,
waiting to do the myriad of things that need to be done
before I leave town, again!
You may notice that I've included some Sunday Photos and my June 1st Muse!
Tomorrow morning, at 7:30 A.M., a group of 10 of us leave for Vancleave, MS. We will return home on Sunday, June 8. Between these two weekends, we will be working on a Katrina Relief project. At this point, we don't know exactly what our work will be. It depends upon the group that has been working this week, and what they accomplish. :-) YOU will get a full report when I return!
Just One More Scoop! But this week....
I picked this up Tuesday morning.
Just enough for 3 or 4 wheelbarrow loads.

I was able to stay home ALL MORNING and until 2:00 or so, Wednesday!
I finished filling the bed I enlarged earlier...
(this is the Eastside center bed) and planted a few items there.
(The following photos were taken last evening
as dusk had planted itself firmly! I took the photos without a flash,
which meant re-takes were the norm. It's hard to stand so still! lol.)
Plus... do you see my unfinished project from last summer??? I forgot to finish painting the inside of one of the shed doors!!! Embarrassment!

In front of the white rock, is "Blue Mouse Ears" Hosta.
Behind it, "Bubble Gum" Pulmonaria/Lungwort is growing.
(Of course you can see my impatiens.)
On the right are Tricyrtis/toad lily. The marker is still outdoors.
There's also the "Pink Skyrocket" tiarella.
On the left of the tall "City Lights" hosta, is a Japanese Painted "Ghost" fern.
Can you see my 'Toad House' flower pot? :-)
I created this next bed yesterday (Thursday) morning. Yea!
(Well, it's almost finished.)
And I finally planted the last of those patient little plants.

another tricyrtis, a little hosta, a big hosta, and Leatherwood fern, impatiens. :-)
All the tags are still outdoors and I haven't entered them in my map, yet.
Below is the reverse view of the Eastside center bed.
In the foreground, a fern-leaf bleeding heart,
brunnera, and two tall tricyrtis.
(The labels are still outdoors.)
You don't see the bench yet. I want to "weatherize it" first.

Toad Lily "Lightning Strikes", hostas... the hosta on the right is "Night Before Christmas."
Beyond that, can you see Heartleaf Brunnera and Ostrich Fern?
Perhaps you can see my "Watch Toad?" ;-)
Below is what you'd see on the left as you begin this walk.
"Gold Standard" hosta; my hellebore is still blooming! and a tiny one behind the tree.

As you pass the tree, you'll see that same tiny H on the left
and a new Hellebore "Brushstrokes" strain on the right.

Then we have "Palace Purple" heuchera, another unnamed hosta (help!),
"Strike it Rich Gold" Heucherella,
and on the left, more unnamed hosta. (Humphf!)

Now... I'm very excited. Iowa Victory Gardener
told me about her Arums. Iowa Boy posted about his
some time ago... I planted mine two Falls ago.
Last year they were leaves (I have these in three places).
This year... my Arum Italica - at this site - decided to blossom!
I've watched it for three days. Yesterday afternoon, it opened.

It was the Blossom for which I've been anxiously waiting!
Oh, well. :-(
Maybe a rabbit or a little "chipmunk?"
Now... since I'll be absent on both June 1st and Sunday, this is what's blooming and I'll be musing (amusing?) below.
Green Thumb Sunday's Photos
My Meadow Rue

"Thriller" Lady's Mantle and Pasque Flower after-blossoms

Columbine (Colorado's State Flower)

And Astilbe (unnamed). Can you help me?? Is this "Red Fanal?"
Not all astilbe has the dark red bordered leaves...

...sometimes when I plant bare-root items (astilbe, especially) they die back and I think it's permanent. In the case of a "load" of astilbe I ordered 3 Springs ago, when I thought they'd died, I pitched the tags. Oops!
and my June 1 Muse from
A Spring Poem from Bion
(last stanza)
by Eugene Field
"But, thrice welcome, kindly spring,
With the myriad gifts you bring!
Not too hot nor yet too cold,
Graciously your charms unfold---
Oh, your days are like the dreaming
Of those nights which love beseems,
And your nights have all the seeming
Of those days of golden dreams!
Heaven smiles down on earth, and then
Earth smiles up to Heaven again!"
A Spring Poem from Bion
(last stanza)
by Eugene Field
"But, thrice welcome, kindly spring,
With the myriad gifts you bring!
Not too hot nor yet too cold,
Graciously your charms unfold---
Oh, your days are like the dreaming
Of those nights which love beseems,
And your nights have all the seeming
Of those days of golden dreams!
Heaven smiles down on earth, and then
Earth smiles up to Heaven again!"
Looks kinda' Shady! ;-)

Join Green Thumb Sunday!
I've posted early.
and don't forget Garden Blogger's Muse Day by Sweet Home and Garden Chicago