Nan Ondra at
has asked gardeners to participate in
"Garden Bloggers' Design Workshop,"
a monthly posting of interesting topics.
This month it's
"Garden Whimsy."Enjoy your visit!
This metal rose was "created in Mexico."
I believed it, so I purchased it. These flowers are being sold as a fund-raiser in support of the mural project on the exterior of our community's new civic center.
(Click on the photo below to better appreciate the mural.)
My 2-year-old granddaughter is patting one of two "turtles." But in the meantime, it looks as though she'll be soon making a new friend!

I thought this looked like me. At least she represents most of what I like to do outdoors...
She's waiting patiently for more butterflies... as am I.

If you look down, at her feet, you'll see what she stood on to get where she is!

Rounding the house to the backyard,
you never know who might come crawling out from under a hosta.

If you experience the need to go stepping into "light-footed" areas, you may as well have a pleasant place to rest your toes.

Hose guides can be fun, too. Are little white perch-birds nocturnal?
Knee-deep! This fellow's mom taught him to "sit up straight!"
I believe he's quite proud of himself.

A long-time friend and former neighbor presented me with my first and only Faire Flower Fairy a few years ago. She likes to hide in cozy green places with scented pale petals.

Faire FF's able bodyguard enjoys the bolder blossoms. I don't blame him, as he is often called upon to defend FFF and her territory. Thus, Smell the Roses Whenever You Can, has become his most appropriate motto.

As we enter the Valley of the Shed, hopefully your first welcome is the ever ready teacup... for you and/or anyone needing a refreshing sip of water.

As you begin your South Woodland Walk, you'll notice the emerging hellebore bed. Aren't these plants worthy of a little extra attention? Someone else might give them a pillow...

Notice your mid-journey's guide. Just follow her gentle nod.

Did you stop for a rest on the bench shown above?
If so, you were being guarded by our friend below.
He's really a good fellow, so don't be taken aback
by his rakish expression.

Whimsical it may be, for you and me, but the balloon flower is not joking around. She's only trying to whisper in your ear. She caught me the other day. And she has the sympathy of her neighboring daylilies. What was her message?
"Please move me." 
Another cozy sanctuary for birds and their buddies.

I found this bespeckled fellow at an art fair two years ago this past June. My sisters and I were spending a "Sisters' Weekend" together, near the quad cities.

I'd like to introduce a couple of my gardening buddies. They've appeared on this blog before, but some of you may have missed meeting them. :-)
This is
Gardener Gladys.She is good company while I garden in the backyard.
(soft sculpture, created 4 years ago)
This is
Susan Scare-the-birds.
She's known for occasionally hanging around in the raised bed gardens. She vacationed last year, but has been begging to resume her position again this Summer. I'd better humor her. She's pretty good at what she does!
(soft sculpture - created 5 years ago)
Perhaps this isn't exactly whimsical,
but it is exactly where my heart lies.

I can hardly think of any other place I'd rather be,
especially when I'm finding it hard to be out there!
Not a "shady" sentiment. ;-)