My thoughts?
"How in the World did I Get Here?"(Photo taken from Wikipedia)
Being stranded on a deserted island would be a nightmare!
I must explain...
I don't swim in water where I can't touch the bottom, (unless I'm wearing a bouyant life jacket!)I don't like the idea of sharks at all,
And Deserted...
as in,
All by Myself?
Yipes!If I'm to be stuck,
these three plants must be Very Soul-nourishing
(and physically nourishing, as well?)!
Plant number one... strictly soul-nourishing!
It begins "on little pasque feet." ;-)
(Pardon me, Carl Sandburg.)
The Pasque Flower'Pulsatilla vulgaris'is one of the earliest flowering plants in my yard,
and it thrills my soul in so many ways!

Another plant that I could never do without
would be the daylily.
The Variety, the Bloom times, the Sizes and Shapes
are wonderful! Plus, when they're not blooming,
you've got a nice little green clump that
gives visual interest and texture to the surrounding plants.

But, if I were stranded...
Really Stranded...
I could eat them.
I could eat the stalks,
I could eat the leaves
and I could eat the petals.
You can read about it
in an article I discovered here.

The third plant I would probably like to take with me would be our
Viburnum burkwoodii
'Mohawk'If you would like to see it's beauty throughout the seasons
check this link for a previous post.If I'm truly deserted, perhaps I might draw company
through the visiting birds!

If I might be able to smuggle one more plant
onto this deserted
(desserted?) island, would be ...
rhubarb!The wide leaves might give me shade and shelter.
And somehow or other, I'd find a way to make
rhubarb pie!
I might also use one of these leaves
for catching rainwater!
I just had to join this meme by
Shirl at Shirl's Gardenwatch. I've seen some great posts and would urge you to create one, too! Click on the name of her blog in the previous sentence to get the details and explore other blogger posts. :-)