Early last evening, I was walking in my backyard with a favorite neighbor/friend when we spotted an American Toad and a garter snake! We jumped and laughed. I believe the snake would have liked the toad for dinner, however I think the toad Might have been a little too large.
(I won't bet on it, but I'm hoping so.) :-)
Not more than 1/2 hour later, as I was tending to a sad looking hosta (slugs), I noticed the watchful eye of a heretofore never-before-observed visitor! I'd like to introduce him to you, but I don't know his name.
Do you??

Actually I located this site that showed a great photo of the American Toad (Bufo americanus)and compared it to a couple of other toads. Do you suppose this new visitor is a Bufo cognatus? (Great Plains Toad) Some photos of the GPT don't look like this fellow at all, but this particular one looks good, don't you think?
He's pretty cute and I'm very happy. :-)