What's blooming today, you ask? Okay! I'll give you a little glimpse. ;-)
This is 'Fanfare' Gaillardia.
I really like it. I recently learned, from a nurseryman, that gaillardia are such prolific bloomers that they tend to bloom themselves to death. Consequently, they're treated more like an annual than a perennial... unless you're diligent about deadheading all the spent flower heads (and perhaps removing a bud from time-to-time!

Last Fall, I harvested some of the seeds and in January, I placed them outdoors in the miniature milk jug greenhouses. Do a little search here. You'll find several posts on this seed-sowing method! At any rate... check out the next two photos. As I might have suspected, the offspring did not return true to the hybrid. But that's okay. They're still Very Attractive! :-)
Offspring #1

Offspring #2

You've seen a lot of posts this Summer on the nasturtiums.
Here's one more photo of each of my plants. They are "going crazy" in this cooler weather!

Had I not been involved in The Grow Project,
I may have gotten rid of these plants long ago!

Yes, this is a close-up of the nasturtium in the Sunny Corner Bed, but you might notice a new baby has come to live out there. Aster 'Woods Purple' is another low-growing aster (12-16") that will neighbor 'Alert!'

In the shady backyard beds, hosta 'Red October' began blooming during the last two weeks of September and continues. (Mr. Shady's birthday is in October.)
Cimifuga racemosa is a definite late-bloomer! It's just now getting ready.

Ah, those anemones. Anemone japonica 'September Charms' just go on and on.
Forgive this blurry photo - it's Tricyrtis formonosa 'Autumn Glow.'
These are definitely the last blossoms... notice the nice leaf edgings.
This was a June 2010 gift from Iowa Boy.

Back in front of the house, two miniature roses are outdoing themselves.

An errant snapdragon.
The "Best 'til last!"
I completely forgot to plant my gladiola bulbs this Spring!
Instead, when I discovered them, I planted them in mid/late July...
and look what happened this morning! (Oct. 14, 2010)

Made my day!
Best wishes to you this day!