Tuesday, July 16, 2013

ABC Wednesday - A is for . . .

Governor General of Canada - A Swearing-In Ceremony
The Governor General presided over the 28th swearing-in ceremony at Rideau Hall, during which the Right Honourable Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada, presented his new federal Ministry.y
Swearing-in Ceremony
Canada Day, Ontario
Canada Day Celebrations - July 1st (above photo taken from Living in Canada - click link)

(Photos below are Fireworks we enjoyed viewing at Sioux Lookout, Ontario - July 1, 2013)


A great time was had by both "Mr. and Mrs. Shady!"
This post and photos taken by Shady Gardener are property of http://yardisgreen.blogspot.com
Visit other ABC Wednesday posts by clicking link.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

ABC Wednesday - Y - Yoo-Hoo!

ABC with Mrs. Nesbitt
ABC Wednesday - Click on logo
to view other posts dealing with
the letter "Y."

[Your] Help Wanted.

Spotted:  One rather large, green, 6-legged critter, wearing a flowered visor and brandishing a net, nearly as large as herself.  It appears to be seeking a meal; caution - please do not provide a hand-out.

Last seen perched above a flower bed in the downtown area.  Looking to identify and classify.  

Subject appears to be female and presumably harmless.  Earlier reports mentioned a male companion (her husband)?  However, he has since mysteriously disappeared.

Should you happen upon this creature, please call local authorities, and/or Shady Gardener.


Looks like she's already finding lunch!
Have a great day!
(Making sculptures using bicycle parts is this year's Art Association fund-raiser!)