The scene outside my kitchen window today.

Inside, though... on my kitchen windowsill,
you'll find a new resident!
A miniature African violet.

Too cute to leave in the grocery store!

The "Christmas Cactii" are still blooming - in fact, now it's the pink's turn to shine.

The hyacinths have been moved to the living room.
#1 is now #3... and definitely reaching the end of it's season.
But wait! Do you see another new household resident?

This was purchased for a friend,
but it turned out that I got to keep it.
(reluctantly? ha!)

The kalanchoe has begun to bloom.

And a lily bulb has outdone itself in the Valentine Bouquet!

"A flower's appeal is in its contradictions - so delicate in form yet strong in fragrance, so small in size yet big in beauty, so short in life yet long on effect." ~Adabella Radici