Thursday, April 1, 2010

Garden Blogger's Muse Day - April 1, 2010

Blood Root (from my Aunt MEA) blooms today.

Now infant April joins the spring,
And views the watery sky,
As youngling linnet tries its wing,
And fears at first to fly;
With timid steps she ventures on,
And hardly dares to smile,
Till blossoms open one by one
And sunny hours beguile.

But finer days are coming yet,
With scenes more sweet to charm,
And suns arrive that rise and set
Bright strangers to a storm.
Then, as the birds with louder song
Each morning's glory cheer,
With bloder steps she speeds along,
And loses all her fear.

In wanton gambols, like a child,
She tends her early toils,
And seeks the bud along the wild,
That blossoms while she smiles,
Or, laughing on, with naught to chide,
She races with the Hours,
Or sports by Nature's lovely side,
And fills her lap with flowers.

---John Clare

Happy April 1st!
Happy Garden Blogger's Muse Day! If you'd like to see others that are participating, please visit Carolyn Gail at Sweet Home and Garden Chicago.


Rebecca @ In The Garden said...

Incredible blooms, I've never seen them before.

joey said...

I'm so searching for my bloodroot ... love this post. Easter Blessings, dear Shady!

Rosemary said...

Happy Easter to you.

Gail said...

Happy Muse Day to you dear Shady! Have a sweet weekend~~gail

Kate/High Altitude Gardening said...

I've never seen that flower before! Very pretty. And, a lovely poem, to boot.

Have a Happy Easter!

Monica the Garden Faerie said...

I love blood root, esp. when it very first comes up. :) Happy Easter!

Shady Gardener said...

Hi Rebecca, These are native wildflowers. I'd not had them in our woodlands, but am happy to give them a start! :-)

Hi Joey, Hope you've been enjoying a blessed Easter weekend. I would assume you're a bit behind us in the Spring growing season?

Happy Easter, Rosemary.

Hi Gail How are you feeling these days? Hope you're enjoying a special Easter celebration. :-)

Hi Kate, Thanks for stopping again! You should look for more information on this flower. It's a native wildflower. :-) Have a wonderful Easter weekend!

Hi Monica, Are we not ahead of you down here? Is your bloodroot showing itself, yet?? Happy Easter to you, as well. :-)