. . . Gladys deftly guided us all outdoors.
Some of us walked gingerly around the north side of the house, not at all knowing what to expect. That would include yours truly.
However, meeting us as we rounded the corner was our friend Rosalie. She is rarely coaxed indoors; flower-lover that she is!
However, meeting us as we rounded the corner was our friend Rosalie. She is rarely coaxed indoors; flower-lover that she is!
(Enter Rosalie)
To be quite honest, I'd completely forgotten that Rosalie had been waiting for us to meet outdoors. It was refreshing to see her smile, and I asked, "Rosalie. Have you seen anything unusual in my flower gardens? Anything that might make you pause for a second look?"
She'd been smiling so sweetly. I was surprised at her sudden change of countenance.
"Have I done something wrong?" she asked.
Uh, oh, I thought. We really must get to the bottom of this!
It was then that I looked down. Right in front of me was something I had never seen before. A crazily twisted object. This then, was the culprit . . . the object of all the discussion. It had to be! I looked at Rosalie.
"What in the world is that?" I asked.
(enter Hazel)
(enter Hazel)
(Of course that's what I meant. Thank you, Hazel.)
(enter Harry)
(Harry. Another one of those tactful types.)
Rosalie brightened immediately!
"Shady, I have the most interesting thing to tell you! I learned this at the arboretum the other day. I was walking along and saw those things, just like these, all over the gardens. I stopped to take a closer look when one of the docents approached me. She asked if I knew what these were. Of course, I said, 'No'."
"The leaves still receive all the sunshine they need to create food and energy for the bulb before they die."

"Your surrounding plants are no longer crowded and stunted . . . at least they won't be!" she crowed.

"And YOU have delightful little garden sculptures in all your flower beds!"
"Then she explained. And now I can tell each of you!"
Rosalie was positively beaming as she knelt down in front of her creation.
Rosalie was positively beaming as she knelt down in front of her creation.
"These are daffodil leaves, she said. Surely you've noticed how floppy they get after the blossoms fade? And how they fall all over the surrounding flowers? And how often those surrounding flowers don't thrive? Well, the leaves are braided! she announced gleefully.
"Your surrounding plants are no longer crowded and stunted . . . at least they won't be!" she crowed.
"And YOU have delightful little garden sculptures in all your flower beds!"