Happy May Day!
Doesn't this photograph look as though it came from a May Basket?

I would always greet it in a garden.
- Ruth Stout
This is the first blossom I've had on my PM Rhododendron!

"One more time!"
- Robert Orben
Brunnera Macrophylla "Heartleaf Brunnera"
The flowers are the size of "Forget-Me-Nots"
(Very Tiny!)

Floats in the air,
The smell of wet wild earth
Is everywhere.
Oh, I must pass nothing by
Without loving it much,
The raindrop try with my lips,
The grass with my touch;
For how can I be sure
I shall see again
The world on the first of May
Shining after the rain?
- Sara Teasdale, May Day
Vinca Minor

- Henry D. Thoreau
These are the flowers of my Serviceberry.
(Last Fall's "Mystery Bush." I finally located
the landscaping blueprint!)

The difference between them is sometimes as great as a month.
- Henry Van Dyke, Fisherman's Luck, 1899
Here's where we need the Top Hat and Tails!
Mr. White-on-White, I think he's "Mt. Hood."

Every spring is the only spring - a perpetual astonishment.
- Ellis Peters

Pulmonaria, Lungwort, "Diana Clare"
with the nodding approval of an "Ice Follies" Daffodil.
I think that no matter how old or infirm I may become,
I will always plant a large garden in the spring. Who can
resist the feelings of hope and joy that one gets from
participating in nature's rebirth?
- Edward Giobbi
Garden Bloggers' Muse Day
Join and visit Carolyn Gail
Sweet Home and Garden Chicago
I will always plant a large garden in the spring. Who can
resist the feelings of hope and joy that one gets from
participating in nature's rebirth?
- Edward Giobbi
Garden Bloggers' Muse Day
Join and visit Carolyn Gail
Sweet Home and Garden Chicago