A few things are beginning to bloom, or are nearly blooming, in several of my beds. Here are a couple of photos.
Siberian Squill ("Scilla Siberica") and Early Snow Glories ("Chionodoxa forbeisii")
The S. Squill are looking at their "toes" and the E.S. Glories
are smiling at us!
The S. Squill are looking at their "toes" and the E.S. Glories
are smiling at us!

With forcythia nearing full blossom, you can catch a peek
at the other tiny blossoms off towards the right.

I say, "Go for it! Multiply rapidly!"
(While I'm not advertising for the site, this provides a nice description.)
These are so very cute and petite, as they're only about
six inches tall. You might notice how fortunate I was
when I planted other daffodil bulbs last Fall.
I seem to have just barely missed a direct "hit"
on a group of Tete-a-tete bulbs! (second photo)
These are so very cute and petite, as they're only about
six inches tall. You might notice how fortunate I was
when I planted other daffodil bulbs last Fall.
I seem to have just barely missed a direct "hit"
on a group of Tete-a-tete bulbs! (second photo)

The forecast states warm weather ahead. Wonderful news! Perhaps I'll show these same plants in full bloom in a couple of days! :-)
Perhaps you'd like to see what I discovered "peeking out" last week when I was raking!
Pulmonaria (Lungwort) "Diana Clare"
Pulmonaria (lungwort) "Trevi Fountain"
Pulmonaria (Lungwort) "Baby Blue"
Heuchera (Coral Bells) "Amber Waves"
It does look as though I should have been wearing gloves!
Brainchild of "As the Garden Grows"
Pulmonaria (Lungwort) "Diana Clare"

Pulmonaria (lungwort) "Trevi Fountain"

Heuchera (Coral Bells) "Amber Waves"


Brainchild of "As the Garden Grows"
Looks like your garden is off to a good start for spring. Happy GTS,
Hi Aiyana,
I think so. It's getting pretty exciting out there! However, there are always projects I want to tackle, and it may be getting close to the time to begin some of them. :-) Thanks for stopping by.
To Frog-Lover,
Thank you for commenting on my blog.
I don't really know about tadpoles much. I know they are hard to take care of, and few of them survive, because it is hard to feed them in captivity, unless you can find some little water bugs that they eat. That there is some food at the pet store, that my tadpoles have eaten, called Frog and Tadpole Bites. It is actually pretty easy to catch tadpoles though. I catch them with a bug net and swoop it in the water. I prefer giving them pond water to live in, because they are used to it, and it might have good in it that they can eat. Warning: Do not bull frog tadpoles eat tree frog tadpoles. Bull frog tadpoles are big. Tree frog tadpoles are small. They can't live together when they are grown up too.
If you have a clear jar, it is fun to watch them swim around. It is fun to watch snails too. Once I had about 20 in a quart jar, until they climbed out and crawled away. So it is good to have a lid with holes in it on top.
Put a rock in the jar so your frog has something to sit on. Frogs don't always like to be in water. Most spend their life on land and only got water for a drink, or to lay eggs. Have a container of water for the frogs.
Thank you for commenting on my blog. I like comments very much. I hope you a good time with your frogs and tadpoles.
But, Shady, how could you wear gloves and not feel that incredible dirt? Heh heh. Your squill are beautiful! I planted some last fall and noticed that they're up, though not near blooming yet. Hooray!
Shady .. you were wondering about my Toad Flax .. it does bloom all summer into Autumn .. just sheer it off a bit when the blooms grow old .. and yes .. it is fine for shade ! .. I love this little plant and it would look great in your garden too !
things have started to move along haven't they? I'm sure there are more very beautiful sights to behold not very far away...
it may seem like spring will never get here, but it looks like both of us had a little bit of hope in our yards this week.
there are a great many more lovely sights to take in during the next few weeks. keep sharing your photos with us!
Spring is finally on the way. Thankfully!
Forest Zoo, Thank you for your nice letter. I think I'll see if my friend, Frog Lover, could make his own blog, too. That way, you could write each other letters. :-)
J, You're right. It's just so nice to be "up close and personal" with the dirt sometimes! ;-) It's so much fun to watch for things to appear, grow and bloom! Enjoy!!
gj4m, Thanks! I'm going to watch for this plant. Very, very pretty!
Hi Lisa, Always glad to have you stop by, too! Thanks for your encouragement. :-)
iowagw! Yea! ;-) Thanks for stopping by.
I'm bad about wearing gloves too so don't feel bad. Looks like Spring has sprung in your yard even if the weather has been cool.
Yep! And it couldn't have happened at a better time. ;-)
Cute little bulbs! I lost all my Tete-et-Tete Daffodils. They are so charming, I should get more. I hope your little blues spread well in your lawn, I just love that look.
Love the little Tete-et-Tete daffodils! Spring's popping in Shady's yard.
Ooooh - just noticed the peeper in full "peep," atop your sidebar - Jeepers, creepers, where'd you get those peepers? - Sorry, couldn't resist... Deb
Hi Deb! Hurrah for Spring! Nice to have you Peeping Around! ;-) It's supposed to rain tonight. That's a good thing because I was unable to work outdoors today and I won't be able to until Sunday afternoon. But, next week... just Look Out! lol :-)
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