I really don't have time to make a post today. But here I am, anyway. I hated missing Bloom Day (which was the 15th), but Guess What? My Dad's Birthday was the 15th, also. And I missed recognizing That, Too!
So, in honor of my Dad and his
Green Thumb, here's my post. Click on a photo to enlarge.
Out in the Sunny Corner bed, looking south-ish.
Do you see a tiny pink spot in the middle on the extreme right?

Sunny Corner Bed, looking easterly.
That little pink spot is now on the lower left, behind 'Autumn Joy' sedum.
This is a Stargazer Lily that didn't grow very tall. Perhaps I'd better move him?
'Pardon Me' Hemerocallis - Always loaded with blossoms!

This 'Stargazer' lily is in the Raised Bed Garden.
Actually, this was taken last night while two little neighbor helpers helped me garden.

All these lilies belong to a friend. She asked me to put them in a "nursery" last Fall, as they're in the midst of selling their home. I said, "I'm sure I could find a place for them!" ;-)

This flower is my relocated Platycondon 'Double White'
out in the Raised Bed Gardens.

Ta-dah! One of my new daylilies was blooming last night.
I apologize for the lack of photo quality, but here is Hemerocallis 'Spiritual Corridor'

and this morning I found that Hemerocallis 'Startle' was blooming!
Hemerocallis 'Ed Brown' will probably be blooming tomorrow.
Hope I catch him before I leave!

This is an attempt to hide the electric meter works.

And this is Not the Canna 'Tropical Rose' that I ordered,
but it's very pretty just the same.
I'll probably request 'TR' next Spring, as I only wanted a 2 1/2' tall plant.
This actually looks like 'Pretoria' which gets 6 - 8' tall.
(Maybe not the first year nor in a pot?)

What else is blooming?
Rudbeckia hirta, Echinacea Purple Coneflower, a variety of phlox, many hosta, sweet woodruff, "creeping" sedum, astilbe, Pinellia tripartita 'Atropurpurea' (for the second time) ... and that's all I can think of.
I've been visiting some wonderful GBBD posts. You should check them out as well.
Visit Carol at May Dreams Gardens to find them. :-)
Meanwhile, I'm supposed to be tying loose ends and packing for a trip with 10 high schoolers and 3 other adults who will participate withinin a variety of ministries in downtown Atlanta, Georgia. I'm very excited! If you are so inclined, you could pray for not only our team (that we'll be a huge help and blessing) but for all the wonderful people we'll be meeting.