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Brunnera macrophylla,
part of the family which includes Forget-me-not,
is an herbaceous perennial.
I have tried growing Forget-me-not several times with very limited success. Last Spring, finally, the plant had many beautiful, tiny blue blossoms. It's these blossoms that reveal the family link to
Heartleaf Brunnera.
Heartleaf Brunnera is also called Siberian Bugloss. It is a native of Siberia,
which explains its ease in growing in zone 3 areas. Meaning it grows
very handily here in my zone 5a garden.
Photo below taken 4/12/10:
top left - 'Jack Frost' Brunnera; center - Heartleaf Brunnera
photo taken 4/19/09
Heartleaf Brunnera thrives in moist soil and shade or partial sun.
Hence, you will find this plant and two cultivars in my very shady gardens!
photo taken 4/19/09
Healthy green leaves and very early blossoms make this plant a welcome sight in the early Spring garden! It grows about 12 to 18" high, and bushy, as it matures. Heartleaf seedlings began appearing throughout the garden after the first two years. The foliage is a nice addition to the shade garden, and it's wonderful to be able to share such a hardy, enjoyable plant.
photo taken 4/17/08


I've read that a tired-looking, Fall plant can be cut back to the ground, IF you reliably keep the plant watered as the new foliage appears.
'Jack Frost'is a cultivar with silver leaves.
4/26/09 - close-up!

(Are you able to tell that we experienced a very warm, very early Spring this past year? Just see how lush and green things are at the end of April!)
'Looking Glass'(newly planted, April 16, 2009 - it was also a Warm Spring!)

You can tell that 'Looking Glass' leaves are completely silver colored.
The two photo below was taken 5/4/09.



Hint #1: If you see something very green and "mature" very early in your garden, do not (repeat: Do NOT) succumb to suspecting "Weed!" and pulling it out! Take a good look at the plant... give it time... because you will be rewarded! :-)
Hint #2: If you deadhead the spent flowers and stalks, you will be rewarded with a second flowering.
I hope you enjoyed your peek into my shady backyard! Have a great day!
---Shady Gardener