Cultivating Friends, Making Memories
July 12, 2012
Gloriosa Lily - Gloriosa supurba

If you were to ask me to name a few
favorite plants in my gardens, I would say without reservation that many
of the “Number-One-Top-Favorites” are those received from special
people in my life. Gardening lends itself to the creation of
memories: memories of “plant forays” to nurseries, trips to interesting
and/or notable places, and most especially, cultivating relationships
with friends and relatives.
For example, my parents have shared many plants (what about that
large-flowered, pale yellow daylily my dad and I purchased in Mason City
many years ago? Upon returning home, we divided the plant so we could
share it!) Not only did I receive daylilies, phlox, Virginia Bluebells
and several other herbaceous perennials over the years, but also
raspberries, asparagus, strawberries and rhubarb.
My Aunt MEA also has shared many plants over the years including: two
varieties of phlox, several hostas, lily bulbs, a fern leaf peony, two
varieties of Ginger, Blood Root and Geum triflorum (commonly called
Purple Smoke).
Following a quick walk around the yard last night, I found I’ve
received daylilies from Joan, Clustered Bellflower from Marty, Ostrich
fern from Chris, Bleeding Heart and Glory Lily Gloriosa supurba from
Kris, Hosta from Neil, Gooseneck Loosestrife from the church, and
Heuchera from Connie. I hope I haven’t left anyone out!
A few very special items have been received from fellow Garden
Bloggers. Because I’ve maintained a garden blog for over five years,
I’ve “met,” through our posts and communications, gardeners not only
from many states, but also several countries. We share information,
inspiration, seeds and plants (we trade!). I’ve received seeds for
Tennessee Coneflowers from Gail (Tennessee resident),
Ligularia seeds from Jim (Ohio),
Queen-of-the-Prairie from Kathleen (Colorado), Monarda
plants from IVG of Des Moines, and several unusual plants from
Iowa Boy of Iowa City.
“Landmark memories” might include nurturing the love of gardening in a
child, the year of hardscape and landscape improvements, memories may
involve such things as weather conditions or a battle with “critters.”
What about garden parties, birthdays, graduation and wedding
Whatever your interests or activities, take a walk around your yard.
Perhaps you’ll find you’ve already created some pleasant, long-lasting
memories. Gather some friends, share some plants, and make a few more
special memories.
Happy gardening!
(Article written for and published in local newspaper)