I wonder if you think I'm confused?
Or that You are confused?
Or that I'm posting about last Fall?
Nope! I'm not confused, you're not confused, and I'm not writing about last Fall's leaf raking.
Some of the leaves were removed from the flower beds today. Three tarp-loads were dragged and left at the top of the ravine.
Yes, I try to make sure the flower beds have a layer of leaves,
if possible, every Fall.
if possible, every Fall.
Additional (after I finally finish my Spring raking) leaves drop from the trees and blow from elsewhere to give my Spring raking efforts an additional challenge!
Extending the rake, as an extra arm,
Pulling gently the layers of leaves.
Exposing damp soil and tiny new sprouts;
And wonder!
Anticipate the Spring days to come!
Anticipate the Spring days to come!
Sweet warm weather with beautiful sunlight,
Bright blue skies, nearly cloudless.
A song in the heart and a smile on the lips;
Springtime surprises abound!
Springtime surprises abound!
What is this, in this new place?
Its sweet appearance in a new abode.
Showing themselves as "seedlings" new;
This post and photos therein belong to http://yardisgreen.blogspot.com
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Oh that is a whole lot of leaves......... love the iris peeking up.
I HATE raking!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Hi Rosemary! You're right, but it feels so good to get outdoors that I Almost don't mind it! Ha.
Hi, Roger? It's a good thing you don't live here! But, if you want to make yourself feel better about your own yard work, just think of mine! ;-)
Indeed. It's coming slow but sure. My tons of oak leaves are starting to appear also as I finally see some ground...:)
Great choice for 'L'
I'm just now raking last years leaves, too! Plus I've got pine straw to deal with.
Have a blessed day!
Lea's Menagerie
Oh those leaves. I know what you mean. You can rake and rake and still they appear from somewhere. They're good for the soil and the worms love them so we must be grateful. But dang raking them can be a pain.
Your beds look great. Spring is here.
Hi, Troutbirder! I would say that you are (hopefully) seeing the end to your snow. You and I both know that it means raking tons of leaves is next on the agenda. But I'm sure you'll be glad to be outdoors, too!
Hi Lea! I would Lov to have some of your pine straw! Do you have azaleas or rhododendrons, etc?
Hi, Grace! I have had a special treat this year. One of my friends has been able to sit with me while I rake! Our visits make the time pass so quickly. (She would help me rake if she were able!)
I've seen posts of your leaf raking before ~ you have a lot of trees so I know you do a LOT of raking. It looks good ~ & soon everything will be green & growing. I see the Virginia bluebell foliage coming up!!! Mine is too ~ I think of you whenever I see it. Thank you as always. Thanks again for all your encouraging comments too. Hope it's still spring there & you're not having this blast of winter we are...
Thank you SG for the nice comments! My camera is ancient now ~ it's one of the first digital SLR's ~ a Canon 20D. It's hard to ear mark $ for a new one tho when it still works so well.
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