You can click on any of these photos. Nearly every one will enlarge for better detail.
This is a photo of my friends' yard October 31, 2008.

The tilling and planting of a new flower bed inspired
(click here) This Post.My friends and I have had a great time this summer!
May 21, 2009
J did his tilling and it's ready to plant!

Look at this! Plants...

...and more plants!

This photo was taken June 8, 2009, after a few days'
deluge of rainfall!
(Looking from the back to the front)
This photo was taken June 10... look what J did (trenches all around)!

In August S and one of her friends
and all four children and I made stepping stones.
(Click Here)After everything was planted, J added a nice thick layer of shredded mulch.
And I just kept checking in all Summer and Fall!
(photo taken June 1, 2009)
There's a blank spot behind the peony in the foreground.
Daughter E planted Shasta Daisy seeds.
(planted June 25, 2009)
Notice that the seeds are growing (behind her stepping stone).
(photo taken October 9, 2009)
A close-up of the Shasta Daisies.
They grew! :-)

Do you remember the post about Summer Projects?
One of those projects was the birdbath with the
Sum & Substance leaf (click here)that now resides in this garden!

A close-up of the middle of the bed... Nan Ondra should see this!
One of her favorite three plants was once Persicaria,
which I ordered and planted in this bed.

October 7, 2009
(Photos from the southwest corner back to the front.)

From the road... in June

July 8, 2009

October 3, 2009

Won't it be fun to see this garden next Spring? Just think how much more mature and developed the plants should be? :-)