Monday, October 26, 2009

Saturday was a Flood Relief Work Day!

This has nothing to do with gardening,
but I want you to see what we did
on Saturday!

Click right here or on the photo below. This was "our house!" :-)

Nothing Shady - in fact it was a beautiful day!! Just click on the photo above to transport yourself to the complete post! :-)


Lisa at Greenbow said...

What did you do? Clean? Remodel?

Gail said...

Yes, tell us more! gail

Shady Gardener said...

OOops. Did clicking on the photo not take you to the post?? Please try again, and let me know. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hi SG~~ Clicking on the photo worked for me. What a fabulous use of your time. The amount of work needed on these homes seems staggering to me. ...One nail at a time, right? Kudos to you and your family and the other volunteers.

Rosemary said...

Sahdy what an interesting project must have been very satisfying ....hard work but good for the soul.

troutbirder said...

Neighbors helping neighbors. It doesn't get any better than that. We had a similar story he the southeast Minn after the Rushford flood.

Monica the Garden Faerie said...

Yay, that's good work. Power tools, harrrr! ;-)

Shady Gardener said...

Gail, Thanks. There were people there from all over... and it was fun being small part of the "big picture!" ;-)

Hi Rosemary, Usually one finds that when you give, you are the recipient of much more, in many ways.

Troutbirder, absolutely. There's even more than the physical rebuilding going on here... there's an emotional and psychological rebuilding (as well as spiritual).

Monica, I learned a new-to-me term: a "saws-all." A wonderful tool! ;-)