These photos were taken October 8, 2008.
Everything is turning here, but not quite to this stage, yet.
October's Party
Everything is turning here, but not quite to this stage, yet.
October's Party
by George Cooper
The leaves by hundreds came ---
The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples,
And leaves of every name.
The Sunshine spread a carpet,
And everything was grand,
Miss Weather led the dancing,
Professor Wind the band.
The Oaks in crimson dressed;
The lovely Misses Maple
In scarlet looked their best;
All balanced to their partners,
And gayly fluttered by;
The sight was like a rainbow
New fallen from the sky.
At hide-and-seek they played,
The party closed at sundown,
And everybody stayed.
Professor Wind played louder;
They flew along the ground;
And then the party ended
In jolly "Hands Around."
Join Carolyn Gail at Sweet Home and Garden Chicago for her Garden Bloggers' Muse Day (the first day of each month). You can participate or visit to see who IS participating!
Happy October!
Nice poem! Are leaves are just starting to turn now too, but a few trees are really full of color. I hate cleaning up after a good party too! LOL -Jackie
Hi Jackie! Isn't it funny that we expect Everyone Else to clean up after themselves?? ha! Thanks for your visit. :-)
Ooh, nice poem. Pictures are lovely! Most of our trees don't turn gorgeous colors here in Austin, Texas-- I have to enjoy the pictures of gardeners like you! Thanks!
Hi Meredith! I enjoyed finding this poem in a book here. It was fun, wasn't it? You have a completely unique setting compared to ours. Both have their strong points. Come visit, anytime! :-)
For a while, its the flowers that give color to nature... and now its the turn of leaves, changing to yellow, red and brown before they bow and kiss the earth.... beautiful photos... ~bangchik
Stunning photos and perfect poem for Muse Day (I'm still working on mine plus catching up on a few e-mails). Delighted to see that you're a finalist on Blotanical ... I love visiting here ... October Joy!
I remember last October...wishing I worked into my garden plans some trees that had leaves turning red this time of year.
I'm more like a 2 and 1/4 season gardener. ha.
Bangchik and Kakdah, Thank you for visiting me today. You're quite right when you say the color is in the leaves... they bow and kiss the earth. You are very poetic. :-)
Hi Joey, Thank you for making time to visit today, friend! I was Surprised to see I'd been nominated on Blotanical. (Pleasantly surprised!) ;-)
Patsi, I'm having a tree planted yet... looking forward to a new (small in stature) Sunburst Locust in the front. I'm missing some of the shade that we lost - plus, this tree offers a light shade and beautiful Spring color! :-)
I am a sucker for a fall poem. It is perfect for your photos... which are great as well.
Hi Rosey! I understand... the poetry is sometimes nearly as great as the scenery outdoors! (We received 2 1/2" of rain last night and over the day. Guess there's more in the immediate forecast. Boo)
Hi SG~~ Beautiful photos. I guess it's time to embrace the inevitable. It is a colorful time and a great way to say goodbye to summer.
Hiya Shady,
Yes, it is sad to leave the glorious September month behind. And here in the UK too August never was.
Your Hostas look wonderfully un-nibbled. How do you manage that I wonder. I have tried everything to keep the snails off of them.
Thank you so much for saying hello on my leafday post. When many stop by and don't speak, I worry nobody likes it. I'll check back a little later to see your colour.
Your photos are a perfect compliment to the poem SG. I am so happy to be invited to this party.
Hi Shady; Your poem celebrates October perfectly.
Hi Grace, I think we're feeling about the same way, here. I've just remembered that Fall is not Winter... there's still beautiful weather ahead and time to do lots of things. And when we finish with Fall chores, etc. and the enjoyment of the season... we'll probably be ready for Winter! ;-)
Hi Joco! You must have enjoyed a cooler summer, too? Oh - about those hostas in the header photo... that was in July, I think. By August, things had changed a bit. There have been "nibbles" and holes where branches fell from the trees, etc.
I'll look forward to a return visit. :-)
Hi Lisa, You would be invited to any party I had! ;-)
Rosemary, Thanks! Are you beginning to see "color" these days, too?
I almost posted this same poem:) Lovely photos--it gives me something to look forward to. The weather is cold and rainy here right now, and I'm hoping for some beautiful autumn days yet to enjoy the fall colors.
Rose, That would have been fun to see! We have had two (2) cold, rainy days in a row and the forecast doesn't look good for the next several days. If March comes in like a lion, it is said to leave like a lamb. What about October??? ;-)
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