Have we not been entrusted to be good stewards of all resources?
I count the small effort on my part in helping the Winter birds find food a necessary task as well as a pleasure.
(Downy woodpecker on the nearly empty suet feeder!)
And here's "Mr. Hairy Woodpecker" on the rejuvenated feeder!

Our neighbors, Chris and Russ, gave us the
Christmas treat box below.
I count the small effort on my part in helping the Winter birds find food a necessary task as well as a pleasure.
(Downy woodpecker on the nearly empty suet feeder!)
Our neighbors, Chris and Russ, gave us the
Christmas treat box below.
... Aren't you worth much more than birds?" Matthew 6:26
Enjoy the next few days. It will soon be 2010.
Enjoy the next few days. It will soon be 2010.
Those Christmas treats are wonderful! Looks like the birdies think so, too. :)
It just warms my heart whenever I see a bird at a bird feeder in the wintertime. I just love the birdseed decorations. Maybe you could find out how to make them?
I totally agree, SG. There is something extremely gratifying about helping out the least of these, especially when food is so scarce for the poor darlings. I love the Christmas feeders. It looks like the birds do too. Really endearing photos, Shady.
Darn. I'm too late for your poll. The first is an absolutely, or even a "hell yeah!" LOL The second, once in a while but I usually made time to be outside even if only for a few minutes at twilight.
Those Christmas seed treats look great, and are such a good idea.
I bet it just tickled you to see these birdies munching away! Good pics!
Hi Kate, Aren't they so cute? It was fun to see them being nibbled on.
Noelle, I'm waiting to see what was used as the base form. In the meantime, I'm going to make small holes in tongue depressors, lightly spread peanut butter on them, and dip them in birdfood. They're an easy way to put extra food on the bushes for the birds. :-)
Hi Grace - You go, girl! ha. You must know that I really have a case of "Grace's Garden envy!" ;-)
Garden Lily, I've just browsed through your recent post of your "before" and "after" garden creation. Wow! I'm adding you to my "garden envy list!" (see above)
Hi Rosey - Yep, most definitely. Once I start taking photos, it's hard to stop! :-)
Delightful pictures! The sparrows and chickadees are so cute - I love to watch them.
Happy New Year!
Those Christmas treats are adorable! Did your neighbors make them themselves? The birds are obviously enjoying their new Christmas presents. Watching the birds from my living room window is one of winter's pleasures.
Best wishes for a Happy New Year!
You are doing a terrific job photographing the birds Shady Gardener! I was just catching up on your posts. You have such a nice variety too. I wish I saw the Downey and Hairy woodpeckers more here. They are very shy in my garden.
Your neighbors know you pretty well to come bearing gifts like these! I had no idea there was anything as cute as these feeders out there. I haven't seen them! Happy bird watching and Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! Those little birds are so cute, and your neighbor is so talented. Those little treats wouldn't last 5 minutes in my garden. The squirrels would be hauling them away.
Lovely post! I, too, received the same darling birdie treats for Christmas, and promptly put them out (I'm a huge bird lover, as well)...alas, the squirrels stole them within 20 minutes. Ah well...they were cute while they lasted!
Those treats look good enough for me to nibble on, dear Shady. Warmest wishes for a Happy New Year!
Oh my goodness, those treats are ADORABLE!! Would it be possible to get a recipe? I'd love to make some. :) Rebecca
I just love seeing the birds in the snow. I know they appreciate you providing them food. The treats from your neighbor are so cute, I thought they were real cookies at first.
Happy New Year!! :)
You have lots of visitors. Those bird seed decorations are pretty cute. I got a few for Christmas, but I haven't put them out yet. Keep up the great work with the photos.
Beautiful shots my friend! I wish you the modays, fabulous plants and days filled with adventure, projects, hugs from loved ones...and so much more! gail
wow, your photos are so beautiful! I love your blog, by the way. Well done, keep it up! It's a pleasure reading. I found it by the Blotanica community, by the way. Cheers from New Zealand.
Bobbie, I enjoy watching them, too! It's "addicting!" ;-)
Rose, The bird treats were purchased. I need to find the box to see where they came from.
Hi Kathleen! Thanks for your compliment. :-) THis is such a great time of year. (I love Winter for the time it gives me to do things indoors, as well as time to better enjoy birds. Can't see them in the trees during the rest of the year! And they find their own food, then.)
MMD, The squirrels did (I'm blaming them) haul the little Christmas sock away! ;-) Happy 2010.
Rebecca S - 20 minutes??? That's crazy! I'm sorry I didn't wait a few days longer to put mine out, as we left home for the weekend.
Joey, Now that would be a laugh! I'd trade you some bird treats for some real food that YOU concoct! ;-) ha. Happy 2010.
Rebecca, They were purchased. But wouldn't it be fun to locate a recipe? Happy 2010!
Hi Catherine! :-)
Chad and Brandy, I've not visited people in awhile. I hope you've put out your bird treats!
Hi Gail! Sweet sentiments - thanks!! How are you doing???
Hi Rick from New Zealand. Thank you for stopping in and leaving a comment. You are very kind. Best wishes in this new year. :-)
very nice post and cute pics...
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