Beautiful colors paint the blue sky,
Colder temps coming; as swift they draw nigh.
Leaves are tumbling to cover the ground,
whirling and mounding, without a sound.
Rejoice with the beauty as outdoors we tend
our final duties as Fall nears its end.
(best wishes from yours truly)

Visit Carolyn Gail at Sweet Home and Garden Chicago to see who else is participating in her Garden Blogger's Muse Day.
Wishing you beauty.
Like black Chantille lace.
That is a stunning sky scene Shady - equalled only by the aytumnal colours in your previous post! :)
Memorable autumn sky, Shady. Happy November Muse Day :)
Pink and blue...great capture of the autumn sky.
Autumn joy to you as well Shady. Thanks for the beautiful photo and poem.
Lovely poem, Shady, and so fitting for this time of year. The sky shot is gorgeous!
How are your sunsets, Jo?
Hi Joey! Are you 'battening your hatches' these days?
Patsi, Sometimes you can't help taking a photo! ;-)
Hi Carolyn, As I've mentioned before, this is one of my favorite memes ever. :-)
Thank you, Rose. My grandparents used to live in Tucson, AZ and would send us Arizona Highways at Christmas-time. I loved the sunsets...
Just beautiful!
Hi, MMD! It's hard to believe we're already headed towards the end of FAll!!!!
I really liked your poem, Shady. Like you said in the end of the poem, there are many jobs to get done. I hope you are enjoying your fall. We are supposed to get snow this week so the rock retaining wall will just have to wait. :)
Rosey, If I don't hurry and get a couple of projects done soon (I keep taking our nice weather for granted!), I'll be waiting 'til Spring, too! ;-) Happy Fall to you!!
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