Monday, June 21, 2010

V and W - ABC Meme

(Miriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary - 2a: the spirit and enthusiasm animating artistic composition or performance)

Gooseneck Loosestrife
(demonstrating either Verve or Nerve)


(Miriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary: 1. Brit: Unsteady, shaky

This little retaining wall/collection of oddities including recycled chunks of sidewalk does its job, looks rather quaint (if you will), but don't try walking on it without knowing that it's precipitous (and Wonky)!!

Trying hard to keep up with this meme.
If you want to see who else has posted lately, click on the logo here and again at Mrs. Nesbitt's site.


Northern Beauty Seeker said...

Wonky - great one! (Very creative) :-)

Nutty Gnome said...

Hahaha, it was really funny to see wonky and its description popping up on your site - it's a very commonly used word in our house and it's easy to forget that the rest of the world may not know it!

Your wall may be a bit wonky, but it's lovely! :)

Shirley said...

Love this... excellent! Yep... I like the wonky too but the nerve or that verve of loosetrife got me ;-)

Roger Owen Green said...

A wonk in the US context is someone who knows a lot of stuff, perhaps obsessive so. Interesting that there's a totally different meaning of wonky.

On behalf of the ABC Wednesday team, THANK YOU!

Rosemary said...

Love this post , verve and wonky brought me a smile.

Tumblewords: said...

Clever W! Wonky is an incredibly handy word!

Kathleen said...

Very good use of the letters SG! I have never grown gooseneck loosestrife before ~ it looks so pretty and I can see how it got its name.
btw, My Alliums are planted around in various locations and they seem to do equally well in part sun, full sun, etc. I don't have any in full shade ~ that's the only condition I can't tell you about. As happy as Queen of the Prairie is there, I bet the different Alliums would be too. :-)
Were you able to have your garden tour?

joco said...

I always think of the word 'verve' as 'panache', doing something 'with the swagger of your convictions', to coin a silly combination of words.

I'd love to see a close-up of a head of one of those Loosestrives. -strifes?
Can you tell you've got me utterly confused?
Are the little ones behaving? I bet you're having fun.

VW said...

Of course I had to visit this post with my initials in the title! Fun words you've picked. Some would say loosestrife is vicious. Pretty pictures of it, though!

Shady Gardener said...

Hi Garden Ms. S - Glad you enjoyed the word! ;-)

Hi Liz, Wonky is such a great word. We really Don't use it, but I love it and hope to remember to do so whenever I might need it! :-)

Shirl, Loose strife under any other conditions would have run rampant by now. But it's in the shade, terrible rocky soil, etc. I will be digging out a good share of the plant this Fall, however.

Hi Roger, You can tell I've been hard-pressed to be timely these days. Thanks for your visit.

Rosemary, I don't know how to let you know, other than by leaving a message here - but I'm having a Terrible Time at your site. During the upload, I momentarily see your new post, but by the time it's loaded - there's nothing but your header name.

Tumblewords, Perhaps we'll both be making mental notes to use it?

Hi Kathleen, I've just taken a photo of the filpendula rubra and it's getting ready to bloom! :-) Yes, we were able to have the tour last Sunday. (We've been enjoying the presence of our 6- and 4-year old grandchildren this week, so . . . no post, as yet!) It's coming, though!

Hi Jo, We are having fun and now the week is about to close. We meet parents tomorrow (Saturday). I'll take a close-up of the loose strife and post it soon. :-)

VW, Oh! I'm glad you stopped in and I'll try to use those letters again! ha. :-) Yes, loosestrife is "vicious." Very aggressive. I've given it a challenge and it's finally spreading. (I'll also be digging a LOT of it out this Fall!)

Dirty Girl Gardening said...

Love the post....

ShySongbird said...

Excellent work with the V and W and I love the wonky wall :)

Shady Gardener said...

DGG, Thanks! :-)

ShySongbird, Wonky at best. ha!

Corner Gardener Sue said...

I love gooseneck loostrife! I've been seeing it places, but I don't have a spot for something that spreads as much as it does.