Click here to visit Garden Faerie's Musings
and the story behind this Meme. :-)

It seems I know a lot of gardeners.
It also seems that many of them have lived in my neighborhoods, over the years.
All that is to say, it's not fair to compare one against another. However, the contrast is FUN to observe and somehow that relates to the name of my blog!
I truly do have some gardening neighbor/friends here. And it's always inspirational to see what's happening in their yards!
Dixie's yard
(click to enlarge a bit)
Chris' yard
(click to enlarge a bit)
When we moved to this location, now 9 years ago, the greenest and most prolific thing on the ground was moss! While that's all very well and good in certain locations and situations, I thought perhaps it might be fun to expand the repertoire! Besides being a great learning experience!
There are wonderful sources of inspiration found in books, magazines, and on the internet for gardening in the shade. All truly helpful and informative.
However, it has been FUN to visit my neighbors. We may occasionally foray 'round the SE Iowa area in garden centers, and bring home a load of new plants. And we can comment, communicate and commiserate about our gardening successes and woes.
Early Forays
A little group of friends and I began a small, informal Garden Club several years ago. It has grown some each year. We all enjoy working outdoors. We enjoy learning more about gardening, from experience and each other. We enjoy creating whimsical projects from time-to-time, and we enjoy each others' company. We comment, communicate, and commiserate about our gardening successes and woes.
Plant Foray July 2010 A variety of iris to give away! A Second Plant Foray - July 2010
The local hospital garden completed in November, 2011.
It's like what we do on our garden blogs!! :-) And so it is that I consider YOU my "neighbor." I can visit you and you can visit me . . . as we've done these past 4 1/2 years!! And WE can comment, communicate and commiserate about our gardening successes and woes. :-)
Something besides Green . . .
'Strawberry Candy' Daylily Campanula 'Cherry Bells' unnamed Hemerocallis - Daylily
Tricyrtis 'Tojen' Anemone japonica 'September Charms' Sedum 'Bertram Anderson'
Ligularia 'The Rocket' Pasque Flower Anemone pulsatilla Phlox 'Laura' from Aunt MEA
So... how goes it?
DOES Everything Grow Better In My Neighbor's Yard?
And I'll still say ... "probably!" At least it grows differently!! :-)
Nothing Shady here . . .
Just my location! :-)