Monday, August 20, 2007

A Short Spin Around the Yard

This is little "Baby Tears" in bloom! The blossoms are softly striped. I forgot to check out whether the blossoms are scented...
I inherited these hosta from friends. I don't know the name of this variety, but the white blossoms certainly brighten a shady spot!
This is Tenryu. I understand it grows in the wild along riverbanks in China. The flower scape grows around 5' tall. I'm 5' 4" and it hits my nose.
I need a hosta expert. I don't know this variety... it was already in this bed when we moved here nearly 5 years ago. It's a "blue."

And look at these fungi! Always thought of myself as kind of a fun "guy!" ;-) But, these may have me beat.
This is a close-up of the following photograph.
There were many more of these...
And, aren't these something?

You can see these aren't very large... the grass is the "size-ometer."
I really must get out more! Lots of interesting things to see in a shady garden!


K said...

You're hostas look great! I know know about the blue one though. We have a similar one, but just like you, it came with the house.

Great blog, by the way! I've been enjoying it.

Shady Gardener said...

Thanks, K! (Have you checked out the "grandkids" link on the right sidebar?) ;-) L and A belong to C!