Tuesday, August 7, 2007

So... What Do You Do About Aphids?

The Monarch Caterpillars are back. In full swing! (And in all sizes!) We'd had a couple of them a month or so ago, but now my Butterfly Milkweed has quite a few of them.

But what's one to do with the aphids that are covering each stem on the plant? They don't seem to be bothering the caterpillars, but I don't like the looks of the Numbers of them! Is there something I can do to rid my plant of the aphids without harming the caterpillars?

(I wish I had a camera that would take those wonderfully clear photos... perhaps I need to experiment a bit more with mine to see if I can't do a bit better.)

This isn't a shady problem, but they're shady characters... those aphids!


Andrea Dellit said...

My only experience with Aphids is to spray them...but I've also read that you can just spray the plants with a stream of water from your hose. It might knock off the caterpillars, but they won't be harmed and should stay...good luck -- I despise those aphids!

Shady Gardener said...

I've decided to take action tomorrow! See tonight's post. ;-)