I couldn't get a picture of it all, because I was standing on the back bumper of the pickup. Of course I didn't take a photo until I'd already removed two wheelbarrow loads... but, you get the general idea. (The pickup bed was probably 1/2 full.)
I had exactly 3 hours to remove the dirt and spread it around. Not only did I do it, I even prepared three beds (removed the fallen leaves, shredded them with others from the lawn, and replaced a thin layer on the bed) before adding the dirt. (Whew!) I was running out of time, so I sprinkled the dirt on the fallen leaves in the other beds. I'll rake those beds later.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

So... during the course of the afternoon, I was able first (!) plant a new shrub/mid-sized tree that I am so excited about having purchased. It's a Pagoda Dogwood, and you can find information by clicking on its name. My friend with whom I walk weekly has one and its fall leaves are beautiful!

With only one mid-afternoon break, I was able to mulch the bed you're getting a glimpse of, as well as two other beds in the backyard. I also mulched three front yard beds and all the raised beds. Plans for tomorrow (weather permitting) include raking the two largest backyard beds, shredding leaves and distributing a shallow layer (maybe) and placing mulch on these beds.
I'll post my progress tomorrow night... meanwhile, not only is it shady out there, it's Dark and about bedtime!