Sunday, January 20, 2008

Green Thumb Sunday

I always forget about doing this. I'm not "subscribed." I tried to get the image posted... and I did once, but it didn't "go anywhere" or do what I thought it was supposed to. Oh, well. I can show what's blooming here, anyway! ;-)
My beautiful poinsettia!
I thought I'd turn the photo, but it looks better this way - I think.
Can't resist a close-up! :-)

These are my "bonus" calla lilies. I guess I'll be snipping their blossoms today.
The plants probably need to rest awhile before I plant them outdoors.

Here's a nice close-up of my Shooting Star Hydrangea.
Since it's Zone 7, I'll enjoy it through the Fall, at least!
Hence the name. :-)
I know, my hybiscus isn't quite blooming. But it ALmost is.
It's been awhile, and I've missed it!
Walking on the "Sunny side" today! ;-)


IBOY said...

That shooting star hydrangea is gorgeous; it's new to me (of course zone 7 is a mystery to me).

Shady Gardener said...

Hi! :-)

I just COULDN'T leave it in the store at that price! I suppose, don't you, that I'll put it in a nice-looking pot this summer and enjoy whatever it does? Then this fall I'll try bringing it in... perhaps give it a trim if it grows a lot. Worth the try. Yeah, zone 7. You can only wonder about that! ;-)
Thanks for stopping in!