I've been tagged by
The Dellits. Once tagged, you are to write a post listing ten weird, random facts or habits about yourself. Then you find 5 people to tag. Not only do you list them at the end of the post, you have to tell why you chose them. Next, you must leave a "You've been tagged" comment on their blog. They'll come back to read the details. Once these good people have posted their list, they must remember to let you know. One good thing - they can't tag you (or me) back! ;-)
Fact One - I carry a metal tape measure in my purse. You never know when it might come in handy.
Fact Two - I also carry the tube of touch-up paint for my car in my purse. The last time I had a tube, I left in in the glove box of the car. It exploded. Rather than put it in a "safe place" (where everything goes when I lose things), I'll carry it in my purse.

Fact Three - I do pysanky. I have created these eggs nearly every year since I learned how (perhaps 25 years ago with my sister, Barb). These examples are "eggs I kept." Traditionally, pysanky are given away.
I've given one or two away each Easter. I've not been able to do pysanky these past few years, however I hope to make one or two for friends yet this week!
Fact Four - I used to be very good at doing macrame (I'm sure I still could be). I even created my wedding dress using macrame knots and crochet string. It's actually one of the most insane things I've ever done! (A sign of the times, however... early 1970's).
On the left, a friend helps me maneuver into the dress.
My sisters are on the right.

On the left is the top front of the wedding dress macrame. The photo on the right is of a neck piece that never was finished (originally intended for the bridesmaids).

The little tied strings on the right show how each string was held and knotted separately.
Can you visualize a dress form wearing the million little strings, each with a knot on the end?
Fact Five - Due to the fact that I grew up running around the farm barefoot practically all the time, the soles of my feet were like shoe leather. That changed after marriage. ;-)
Fact Six - I loved giving birth.
Fact Seven - I sleep with ear plugs (no explanation, here).
Fact Eight - If I start a picture puzzle, I cannot rest until it's done.
Fact Nine - I wish I lived closer to my parents and family. (But that would mean several people would have to move...)
Fact Ten - I love to drive.
Are those weird enough?
I'm going to tag these people: Deb at
Garden Author because she seems to be ready for unique challenges (!), Gail from
Clay and Limestone because I think she's fun to visit, Elizabeth Joy at
Wildflower Morning because she's innovative and very kind, Kate at
Kate Smudges in Earth, Paint and Life because she's so thoughtful, and Forest Zoo at
The Young Naturalist because he might like this assignment! :-) Actually, it's kind of an interesting way to get to know people better. Hope you don't mind being tagged. Take your time... I did.
P.S. I've just added
cinj to this list. She's in the midst of "dual (duel)ing gardens!" Dueling for her attention, that is. :-)